Category Theory for Programmers Chapter 10: Natural Transformations

A reminder of the naturality condition: G f ∘ αa = αb ∘ F f

  1. Define a natural transformation from Maybe to the List functor. Prove naturality condition for it.

    asList :: Maybe a -> [a]
    asList Nothing = []
    asList (Just x) = [x]

    To prove the naturality condition, fmap f . asList = asList . fmap f, we have two cases, Nothing and Just x.

    fmap f (asList Nothing) = fmap f [] = []
    asList (fmap f Nothing) = asList Nothing = []
    fmap f (asList (Just x)) = fmap f [x] = [f x]
    asList (fmap f (Just x)) = asList (Just (f x)) = [f x]
  2. Define at least 2 different natural transformations between Reader () and the list functor []. How many different lists of () are there?

    asEmptyList :: Reader () a -> [a]
    asEmptyList _ = []
    asOneList :: Reader () a -> [a]
    asOneList r = [r ()]
    asTwoList :: Reader () a -> [a]
    asTwoList r = [r (), r ()]

    And so on, there are infinitely many of these.

  3. Define natural transformations between Reader Bool and Maybe.

    none :: Reader Bool -> Maybe
    none _ = Nothing
    true :: Reader Bool -> Maybe
    true r = Just (r True)
    false :: Reader Bool -> Maybe
    false r = Just (r False)
  4. Show that horizontal composition of natural transformations satisfies the naturality condition.

    Let F, F' be functors from categories A to B and G, G' functors from categories B to C with natural transformations α from F to F' and β from G to G'. We must show the naturality condition holds for

    (G  F) f  (β * α) = (β * α)  (G'  F') f

    I don’t want to do it.

  5. No essays.

  6. Naturality conditions of transformations between differetn Op functors. Ie, Op A B is B -> A, and

    op :: Op Bool Int
    op = Op (\x -> x > 0)
    f :: String -> Int
    f x = read x

    fmap f op :: Op Bool String Don’t know where to go with this…