terminal preferences as of late
for the last decade or so, i’ve stopped using customized terminals and vim becauase it just became too much work to keep up with. i joked that it was a “young man’s sport” as it was something i was really into in my teens and 20s.
now that i’m a little older, and had to bounce around between servers, computers, etc. for work, i found that i just liked using the defaults. it forced me to learn them and then i was getting more proficient in any random environment that had plain tmux, vim, and bash.
but lately, there’s been a few projects that are really nice and basically zero-config which i love.
first are two terminals i really like, ghostty and warp. ghostty is definitely my daily driver now, but warp has a lot of nice features. ghostty is open source and because of that alone, that’s why i use it all the time. it has a zero-config philosophy and everything works beautifully out of the box. so, when i use things like lazyvim, all the icons and everything works, and i love that.
warp is just super nice, but i am so weirded out by it being a closed source company creating a terminal. that seems… just weird. so they have thigns like paid plans and AI (because you can’t get funding as a company if you don’t shove AI in your product, i guess). but the way they format output and also handle the prompt themselves is really cool.
i mentioned lazyvim, but it’s really great and easy to install. i am using it for my IDE now.
p.s. even though ghostty is zero-config, there is a little bit of config i’ve added to modify the theme and this is what i use on macos:
> cat ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.mitchellh.ghostty/config
macos-titlebar-style = tabs
theme = light:nord-light,dark:nord``
and then i am also using a couple options in my lazyvim configs. the
first is toggleterm which is nifty. i have this in
return {
config = true,
cmd = "ToggleTerm",
build = ":ToggleTerm",
keys = { { "<C-`>", "<cmd>ToggleTerm<cr>", desc = "Toggle Terminal" } },
opts = {
open_mapping = [[<C-`>]],
direction = "float",
shade_filetypes = {},
hide_numbers = true,
insert_mappings = true,
terminal_mappings = true,
start_in_insert = true,
close_on_exit = true,
and then i have the equivalent of set tw=72
vim.opt.tw = 72
and then i just install a handful of things from :LazyExtras
everything else is mostly stock then… 🤡